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Walter Naegle
Bisi Alimi - Bisi Alimi Consultancy
Sylvia James - Winston & Strawn LLP

Bayard Rustin (1912–1987) has been called the “invisible man” and the “unknown hero” of the civil rights movement. A disciple of Gandhi and a mentor to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rustin served as chief organizer of the iconic 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and is credited with popularizing the phrase, "Speak truth to power." Yet despite his many achievements, Rustin faced opposition and attacks not only from segregationists but also from allies within the Civil Rights Movement. Indeed, he was arrested, beaten, silenced, and erased from history — in large measure because he dared to live as an out gay man during the fiercely homophobic 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. This session will focus on the complexities of Rustin’s intersectional identity by combining clips from the award-winning documentary Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin with a conversation about Rustin’s life and legacy. At many workplaces, a Rustin presentation has marked the first time that the firm’s African American and LGBTQ employee resource groups have joined forces to co-host an event that fosters bridge-building and sparks courageous conversations about racial and economic justice, the power of authenticity, and the process of "unerasing" stories from history that were previously untold or suppressed.