Full Name
Zorina Frey
Job Title
Jerome Frey Publications
Speaker Bio
Zorina Exie Frey is a publishing content writer, spoken word poet, and Pushcart Prize Winner for her poem published in Glassworks Magazine. Her writings are featured in Shondaland, Chicken Soup for the Soul: I’m Speaking Now, and the forthcoming anthology, Intro to Afrofuturism: A Mixtape in Black Literature & Arts published by Routledge Taylor & Francis this summer. Zorina teaches English and ESL, and tutors at Chesapeake College. She is the Poetry Editor for South 85 Journal and Editor-in-Chief of 45 Magazine Poetry Journal. She is also a Palm Beach Poetry Festival Langston Hughes Fellow and Martha’s Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing Voices of Color Fellow. Her screenplay, Harley Quinn Origin, received an honorable mention at the Birmingham Film Festival in the United Kingdom, and she was a semi-finalist for the reality TV pilot, America's Next Great Author. Zorina has taught poetry workshops at the National Association for Poetry Therapy Conference, The Maryland Writers’ Association Conference, and the South Florida Writers Association. She has presented academic papers at Chesapeake College, The National Council of Black Studies, and the International Conference on Poetry Studies. Learn more about Zorina Exie Frey at zorinafrey.com.

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