Pay It Forward for Attendees
You can sponsor a scholarship for an attendee by contributing to our pay-it-forward fund here. This money goes into our community giving pool and will be provided to people requesting support on a first-come, first-served basis. Any amount that remains unclaimed after the summit will be donated to the Live Inclusively® Actualized grant fund for BIPOC-led nonprofits.
Donate to Live Inclusively® Actualized
Live Inclusively® Actualized (LIA) is the corporate social justice arm of The Winters Group, Inc. Through LIA, we break down systemic barriers that impact BIPOC communities through sponsorship and grantmaking to BIPOC-led nonprofits. Since its founding in 2018, we have distributed $485,000 grants to 49 nonprofits. You can help break down systemic barriers and support BIPOC communities by donating to Live Inclusively® Actualized on our page with the Rochester Area Community Foundation. When donating, we ask that you make a note in the comments box that this donation is for our grantmaking program.
Sponsor the Summit as an Individual
If you would like to show your support by sponsoring the Summit as an individual, please click below.