Welcome // Keynote: Transforming Resistance to Center Justice
Date & Time
Thursday, February 16, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Megan Larson - The Winters Group
Mary-Frances Winters - The Winters Group
Kevin Carter - The Winters Group
Dr. Terrence Harewood
Rochelle Younan-Montgomery - The Reset
Mary-Frances Winters - The Winters Group
Kevin Carter - The Winters Group
Dr. Terrence Harewood
Rochelle Younan-Montgomery - The Reset

We are kicking off Day 2 of the Racial Justice at Work Summit with a welcome message from Mary-Frances Winters, a centering and grounding exercise from Rochelle Younan-Montgomery, then diving deep into our keynote presentation: Transforming Resistance to Center Justice. Dr. Terrence Harewood and Kevin Carter detail the mindset, knowledge set, and skill set regarding personal presence, cultural competence, behaviors and tools to foster personal, team, and organizational equity.
Session Type