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Join us for a revitalizing 15-minute Zoom yoga class designed to refresh your body and rejuvenate your mind. In just a quarter of an hour, you'll experience the transformative power of yoga from the comfort of your own space. Please note: By selecting this session, I acknowledge that I am participating in classes or workshops with Rochelle Younan-Montgomery at the 2024 Racial Justice at Work Summit, hosted by The Winters Group. I am aware of the physical risks involved with exercise and understand it is my personal responsibility to consult with my doctor regarding my participation. I have no medical conditions that I am aware of, which would prevent me from taking part in classes or workshops, and I assume responsibility for any risk or injury I may sustain as a result of my participation. I have read the above release and waiver of liability and understand its contents. I understand that it is my responsibility to find a pace that suits me. I agree to the terms and conditions stated above.