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Why We Need a Wellness Reckoning: Attending to My Need to B.R.E.A.T.H.E.
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Sidney Frye

In the pandemic’s aftermath, the decline of employee well-being has been well documented, with stress, burnout, and isolation impacting the workforce more than ever. Unfortunately, this has only further illuminated the reality that conventional employee wellness initiatives were not created with all of us in mind — often employing a one-size-fits-all approach, woefully ignorant of the need for responsivity. This presentation aims to address the pervasive influence of supremacist culture, which stifles and suppresses the ability for many to just B.R.E.A.T.H.E. (Be. Reflect. Engage. Allay. Thrive. Heal. Exhale). We will explore how prolonged exposure to racialized trauma contributes to cultural stress factors that are frequently overlooked and seldom attended to. We will present evidence and research which supports the abandonment of our Westernized, segmented perspective on health domains and advocates for the acknowledgment and treatment of both encoded and embodied trauma through integrative therapeutic approaches. The session will be interactive, alternating between demonstrating interventions and facilitating informative discussions. Cited research will highlight best practices which have been proven to help cultivate and nurture wellness equity.

Session Type
Live Concurrent Session
Presentation content level
Appropriate for all levels